Assessments & Standardized Testing

  • District 2 builds a firm foundation with a valid and reliable balanced assessment system that includes varied and multiple measures for determining students’ learning progressions, including student self-assessment. In addition to the daily formative assessments that teachers administer to determine students’ in-the-moment needs, the following identifies a broad range of assessments:

    • Type I - Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR), NWEA MAP Growth: A reliable assessment that measures a certain group or subset of students in the same manner with the same potential assessment items, is scored by a non-District entity, and is administered by numerous other schools in Illinois and across the country.
    • Type II - District-level: Any assessment collaboratively developed or adopted, approved for use by the District, and used on a District-wide basis by all teachers in a given grade or subject area.

Standardized Testing

  • According to Public Act 99-590 that was signed into law on July 22, 2017, each Illinois School District is required to communicate the standardized tests administered to its students.